On Monday 10 July, Jane, Anne and Sam attended the Royal Society of Medicine in London to attend a prescribing event run by Dr Deepak Jadon & Prof Karl Gaffney.

The aim of the 2 days, was to update our learning and see how prescribing by non-medical staff has developed in Rheumatology.

There were lectures from various Depts. including Ophthalmology from Moorefield Hospital, Gastroenterology from Cambridge Hospitals and the opportunity to network with other colleagues around the UK.

‘I think I can say on behalf of us all, how inspired we all were with the presentations and how this knowledge will help move our Research Unit forward in the future.

As our unit moves forward, we will be looking at expanding into the community so that we can offer research to all. Having different skilled staff, with nurse Principle Investigators in place, we can offer more studies to patients. By networking with colleagues from outside our region, we have the opportunity to learn different ways in providing these research services ensuring we link up with experts to gain a better understanding of co-conditions that affect our rheumatology patients so to be able to offer a stronger multi-disciplinary approach in the future’ Sam Wright