CARE obtains a large proportion of the funds to support its work from a number of sources – grants from national charities, government (through bodies such as the Medical Research Council), and pharmaceutical companies, usually as contracts to carry out specific clinical trials.

We have also greatly benefitted from some very generous bequests from supporters.  All these various kinds of funding are essential for CARE to continue its work.

There is also a need to secure funding for the more routine costs of running an up-to-date research facility. Although CARE does not perform intensive laboratory research, equipment such as centrifuges, fridges, freezers and incubators are needed for the safe and effective handling and storage of materials. This basic but essential equipment is not easy to fund with grants.

We would be enormously grateful to receive donations from CARE supporters to help us meet these ongoing needs and support our work.

You can donate through our ‘Fundraising’ page or by contacting our administrator, Katherine Hodges at or by calling 01223 217457 for further information.

If you pay basic tax and are making the donation from your own funds, we are able to add Gift Aid, which means we can claim an extra 25p for every £1 you donate. Gift Aid means your donation is worth 25% more, so you can give more to the cause you care about.

All donations are hugely appreciated and will directly help our work.

Thank you

Hill Gaston, on behalf on the CARE Trustees.