Dr Hall is leading the rollout of this survey across the Rheumatology clinics specialising in connective tissue disease and vasculitis. She says, “I’m delighted to publicise this survey from RAIRDA. It captures information about the quality of service and experience for patients with autoimmune connective tissue disease or vasculitis. This is a really well thought-out questionnaire and, with a good response from patients, will provide an engine for change and improvement!”

Cambridge Rheumatology Department is promoting the Rare Autoimmune Rheumatic Disease Alliance  (RAIRDA) 2024 Survey.  This is being displayed on the digital screens in Clinic 2.  Please take time to complete it if you have SLE, Sjogren’s, autoimmune myositis, antiphospholipid antibody syndrome, systemic vasculitis, systemic sclerosis, Raynaud’s disease or undifferentiated/mixed connective tissue disease.

Please contact 0800 1510990, or email UK-RAIRDASurvey2024@ipsos.com  to obtain a copy of the questionnaire